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Not enough screen space? Add a display to your keyboard!

This documentation concerns the recommended Display extension.

Note: Driving a display can bind up a considerable amount of CPU time and RAM. Be aware of the performance degradation that can occur.


First of all you need to download a few libraries that will make it possible for your display to work. You can get them with the Adafruit CircuitPython Libraries bundle. Make sure you to choose the one that matches your version of CircuitPython.

Create a lib directory under the CircuitPython drive and copy the following from the library bundle there: * adafruit_display_text/

Depending on which kind of display your keyboard has, you may also need a display-specific library. See the below table:

Display Type Library to use
SSD1306 adafruit_displayio_ssd1306.mpy
SH1106 adafruit_displayio_sh1106.mpy
Already initialized (e.g. available through board.DISPLAY) None


Here's how you may initialize the extension. Note that this includes examples of all currently supported display types and you only need the one that corresponds to your display:

import board
import busio

from kmk.extensions.display import Display, TextEntry, ImageEntry

# For SSD1306
from kmk.extensions.display.ssd1306 import SSD1306

# Replace SCL and SDA according to your hardware configuration.
i2c_bus = busio.I2C(board.GP_SCL, board.GP_SDA)

driver = SSD1306(
    # Mandatory:
    # Optional:

# For SH1106
from kmk.extensions.display.sh1106 import SH1106

# Replace SCK and MOSI according to your hardware configuration.
spi_bus = busio.SPI(board.GP_SCK, board.GP_MOSI)

# Replace command, chip_select, and reset according to your hardware configuration.
driver = SH1106(
    # Mandatory:

# For displays initialized by CircuitPython by default
# IMPORTANT: breaks if a display backend from kmk.extensions.display is also in use
from kmk.extensions.display.builtin import BuiltInDisplay

# Replace display, sleep_command, and wake_command according to your hardware configuration.
driver = BuiltInDisplay(
    # Mandatory:

# For all display types
display = Display(
    # Mandatory:
    # Optional:
    width=128, # screen size
    height=32, # screen size
    flip = False, # flips your display content
    flip_left = False, # flips your display content on left side split
    flip_right = False, # flips your display content on right side split
    brightness=0.8, # initial screen brightness level
    brightness_step=0.1, # used for brightness increase/decrease keycodes
    dim_time=20, # time in seconds to reduce screen brightness
    dim_target=0.1, # set level for brightness decrease
    off_time=60, # time in seconds to turn off screen
    powersave_dim_time=10, # time in seconds to reduce screen brightness
    powersave_dim_target=0.1, # set level for brightness decrease
    powersave_off_time=30, # time in seconds to turn off screen

Also shown are all the options with their default values. Customize them to fit your screen and preferences.


Images have to be monochromatic bitmaps with same resolution as your display and have to be placed in the root of the CircuitPython drive. Placing it in separate a separate directory may cause issues.

display.entries = [
    ImageEntry(image="1.bmp", x=0, y=0),

You can also make your images appear only on specific layers,

display.entries = [
    ImageEntry(image="1.bmp", x=0, y=0, layer=0),
    ImageEntry(image="2.bmp", x=0, y=0, layer=1),

and/or side of your split keyboard.

display.entries = [
    ImageEntry(image="L1.bmp", x=0, y=0, side="L"),
    ImageEntry(image="R1.bmp", x=0, y=0, side="R"),


You're able to freely position your text to place it wherever you want just by changing x and y values.

display.entries = [
    TextEntry(text="Layer = 1", x=0, y=0),
    TextEntry(text="Macros", x=0, y=12),
    TextEntry(text="Hey there!", x=0, y=24),

X and Y anchors

Anchor points define the "origin" or (0, 0) position within a text label. Example: for text in top right corner you need to set its anchor points Top Right and move text to far right position. The values can be set "T" for top, "M" for middle and "B" for bottom on the X axis and "L" for left, "M" for middle and "R, for right on the Y axis.

For more info about anchors check the Adafruit docs. Notable difference: KMK uses strings ("T", "M","B" and "L", "M", "R") instead of numbers.

display.entries = [
    TextEntry(text="Layer = 1", x=128, y=0, x_anchor="R", y_anchor="T"), # text in Top Right corner
    TextEntry(text="Macros", x=128, y=64, x_anchor="R", y_anchor="B"), # text in Bottom Right corner
    TextEntry(text="Hey there!", x=64, y=32, x_anchor="M", y_anchor="M"), # text in the Middle of screen


Same as with images you can change displaying according to current layer or side of split keyboard.

display.entries = [
    TextEntry(text="Longer text that", x=0, y=0, layer=0),
    TextEntry(text="has been divided", x=0, y=12, layer=0, side="L"),
    TextEntry(text="for an example", x=0, y=24, layer=0, side="R"),


Inverts colors of your text. Comes in handy, for example, as a good layer indicator.

display = Display(
        TextEntry(text='0 1 2 4', x=0, y=0),
        TextEntry(text='0', x=0, y=0, inverted=True, layer=0),
        TextEntry(text='1', x=12, y=0, inverted=True, layer=1),
        TextEntry(text='2', x=24, y=0, inverted=True, layer=2),

Example Code

import board
import busio
from kmk.kmk_keyboard import KMKKeyboard
from kmk.keys import KC
from kmk.scanners import DiodeOrientation
from kmk.modules.layers import Layers
from kmk.extensions.display import Display, SSD1306, TextEntry, ImageEntry

keyboard = KMKKeyboard()
layers = Layers()

i2c_bus = busio.I2C(board.GP21, board.GP20)
display_driver = SSD1306(
    # Optional device_addres argument. Default is 0x3C.
    # device_address=0x3C,

display = Display(
        TextEntry(text='Layer: ', x=0, y=32, y_anchor='B'),
        TextEntry(text='BASE', x=40, y=32, y_anchor='B', layer=0),
        TextEntry(text='NUM', x=40, y=32, y_anchor='B', layer=1),
        TextEntry(text='NAV', x=40, y=32, y_anchor='B', layer=2),
        TextEntry(text='0 1 2', x=0, y=4),
        TextEntry(text='0', x=0, y=4, inverted=True, layer=0),
        TextEntry(text='1', x=12, y=4, inverted=True, layer=1),
        TextEntry(text='2', x=24, y=4, inverted=True, layer=2),
    # Optional width argument. Default is 128.
    # width=128,
